You may find that we look a little different today. That’s because we’ve moved.
In business, you have to be agile and look for the right fit. For The Journal of Space Commerce, that fit is Substack.
First and foremost, we want to say Thank You for being a reader of The Journal of Space commerce. Without readership, there is no business.
You’ll still find the content you’ve come to expect from Ex Terra Media. News updates, podcasts and videos will continue as they have for the past three years.
Coming soon, The Journal of Space Commerce will offer premium content for paid subscribers. While there will always be free content, we want to offer something more. We hope you’ll find value in what we present, and of course, if you would like to support us, we would be very appreciative.
The first order of business is for you to subscribe, so hit that subscribe button below. We will never sell our email list, but it is how we will better stay in touch with you. Subscriptions currently are free. Paid subscriptions will be coming soon, but will not be required to enjoy the free content.
One caveat; we have imported all of the stories from our previous website. However, some links found in those stories are directed to a server that is no longer active, so they won’t work. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Our mission remains the same. To chronicle, cajole and critique the commercial conquest of space. This is an exciting time to be involved in space commerce. Again, thank you for visiting. We hope you’ll subscribe, visit often, and find our content is worthy of your support.