Qosmosys Zeus-1 Satellite Deployed by Momentus
The Qosmosys Zeus-1 payload was deployed in orbit by Momentus on May 10, 2023 from its Vigoride-5 Orbital Service Vehicle. Effective May 15, 2023, Momentus is providing on-orbit support to Caltech for its Space-based Solar Power Project payload, including providing data, communication, commanding and telemetry, and resources for optimal picture taking and solar cell lighting.
"With the Zeus-1 payload from Qosmosys safely in its orbit, our team is now dedicated to providing support for Caltech as they test technology that aims to collect solar power in space to use on Earth."
Krishnan Anand, Momentus.
Momentus will also be performing thrusting maneuvers so Caltech can measure the behavior of their experiments.
Qosmosys Zeus-1 Satellite Experiments
Caltech’s Space Solar Power Demonstrator project onboard Momentus’ Vigoride-5 spacecraft comprises three separate experiments. The experiments are:
DOLCE (Deployable on-Orbit ultraLight Composite Experiment): A structure measuring 6 feet by 6 feet that demonstrates the architecture, packaging scheme and deployment mechanisms of the modular spacecraft that would eventually make up a kilometer-scale constellation forming a power station.
ALBA: A collection of 32 different types of photovoltaic (PV) cells, to enable an assessment of the types of cells that are the most effective in the punishing environment of space.
MAPLE (Microwave Array for Power-transfer Low-orbit Experiment): An array of flexible lightweight microwave power transmitters with precise timing control focusing the power selectively on two different receivers to demonstrate wireless power transmission at distance in space.
"We thank Caltech and Qosmosys for entrusting us with their important payloads," said Momentus vice president of Program Management Krishnan Anand. "With the Zeus-1 payload from Qosmosys safely in its orbit, our team is now dedicated to providing support for Caltech as they test technology that aims to collect solar power in space to use on Earth. Our contract has our team supporting this payload for six months and we look forward to seeing what Caltech learns from their experiments."
Caltech scientists are inventing foldable, ultrathin, and ultralight space structures to support the photovoltaics as well as the components needed to convert, transmit, and steer radio frequency power to where it is needed.
The basic unit of the system the researchers envision is a 4-inch-by-4-inch tile that weighs less than a tenth of an ounce. Hundreds of thousands of these tiles would combine into a system of flying carpet-like satellites that, once unfurled, would create a sunlight-gathering surface that measures 3.5 square miles.
(Source: Momentus and Caltech. Images from file and via Caltech YouTube video)