A launch services agreement has been signed between UARX and CSHARK for the integration services and deployment of their 3U CubeSat "Ant-1", which will contain 5 IODs (In Orbit Demonstrations) and will be integrated into a RAMI deployer on-board an OSSIE Orbital Transfer Vehicle next year.
"(T)he success of this IOD mission will enable the launch of (a) more than 100 PQ constellation that will strengthen the relation between both companies."
Alessandro Fanni, CSHARK.
The framework of this launch service agreement signature was established in Milan, during the IAC 2024. The collaboration with the Italian company CSHARK is strategic for UARX, and also addresses the launch of a future CSHARK constellation. This strategic setting not only underscores the collaborative spirit of the partnership but also highlights the importance of fostering international cooperation between Spain and Italy in advancing the industry.
“We are excited to collaborate with UARX Space on this mission and look forward to the successful deployment of our innovative CubeSat, since the success of this IOD mission will enable the launch of more than 100 PQ constellation that will strengthen the relation between both companies”, said Alessandro Fanni, CEO of CSHARK.
“We are pleased to welcome CSHARK as a new customer. And we are willing to continue this cooperation with all the future challenging projects that both companies have to be supported with our OTV-hosted payload services capabilities,” said Federico Perazzo, Business Developer Manager at UARX Space.