FY25 Budget Proposes $75.6M for Office of Space Commerce
Represents a $10.6 Million Increase Above Over FY2024
On March 11, 2024, the White House released the President’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 budget request for the Department of Commerce.
The President’s budget proposes $75.6 million for the Office of Space Commerce (OSC), a $10.6 million increase above the FY2024 enacted level. The FY2025 budget request recognizes that “commercial space activities are experiencing tremendous economic and technological growth,” and that funding for the Office of Space Commerce contributes to U.S. leadership in an increasingly competitive and global marketplace.
Utilizing proposed FY2025 funding, OSC will:
Plan to complete Phase 1 operational deployment of the Traffic Coordination System for Space (TraCSS) basic services that promote space safety and sustainability as directed in Space Policy Directive-3. Commercial and civil operators will have access to the TraCSS basic services and SSA products absent direct user fees which will drive spaceflight safety, space sustainability, and international coordination.
Coordinate and facilitate a Federal Advisory Committee for all operational and policy areas of OSC.
$3 million is proposed in the FY2025 budget for OSC to develop and maintain a new modern, unified information system, a “Space Portal,” to:
Support regulatory activities for remote sensing and other commercial space activities regulated by the Department of Commerce and other agencies. This will facilitate streamlined and secure Department of Commerce consultation with other U.S. regulatory agencies and consultation partners for more rapid regulatory decision-making and a minimally-burdensome licensee experience.
Provide a simple method by which the U.S. Government can disseminate information regarding U.S. space activity regulation, standards, and best practices.
$2 million is proposed in the FY2025 budget for OSC to support “Mission Authorization and Supervision” activities. These funds will:
Provide the necessary staffing for OSC to implement Department of Commerce responsibilities under the U.S. Novel Space Activities Authorization and Supervision Framework (December 2023) and legislative reforms proposed by the Biden Administration.
Allow OSC to play an enhanced role in existing license review processes, and prepare to implement sustainability measures in accordance with the Framework.